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Programador en sala de servidores


  • LawTech: The term describing blue ocean technologies that aim to support, supplement, or replace traditional methods for delivering legal services, includes Software as a Service (SaaS) functionality, such as accessible, faster, and easier disruptive execution and also avoiding direct lawyer's involvement as a self-service.

  • LawTech is the creation of disruptive legal solutions that help individuals, companies, organizations, and governments in their day-to-day operations.

    • Automation and self-service, reducing or eliminating manual and repetitive work done by lawyers, through the use of artificial intelligence that answers specific questions or creates legal documents for the user.

    • Simplification of compliance processes, focusing on the things that matter and improving the user experience while providing immediate results.

    • Data and information 24/7 available and secured, access information beyond non-office/working hours and encrypted for a secure environment.

    • Improved cost and productivity through tech adoption.

  • It goes beyond LegalTech, as it is disruptive and reaches consumers directly.

  • LawTech is the term used to describe disruptive technologies that pursue the objective of supporting, complementing, replacing, or improving traditional methods of providing legal services, LawTech aims to bring law services, solutions, and protection to businesses and people directly by enabling them to self-serve.


    It is time to overcome the barriers of the traditional way of offering legal services and generate value for users.



Traditionally referred to the application of technology and software to help individual lawyers, law firms, medium and large scale businesses to disrupt the practice of law by giving people access to online software that reduces or in some cases eliminates human performance.


Used to enhance regulatory processes,  transparency as well as consistency and to standardize compliance processes. Deliver interpretations of ambiguous regulations to provide higher levels of quality services at a lower cost and in some cases eliminating human performance.


Use of disruptive technology such as Machine learning (ML) and Deep learning (DL): Artificial Intelligence (AI) to support supervision, reducing or in some cases eliminating human performance.

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