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  • LawTech: The term describing blue ocean technologies that aim to support, supplement, or replace traditional methods for delivering legal services, includes Software as a Service (SaaS) functionality, such as accessible, faster, and easier disruptive execution and also avoiding direct lawyer's involvement as a self-service.

  • LawTech is the creation of disruptive legal solutions that help individuals, companies, organizations, and governments in their day-to-day operations.

    • Automation and self-service, reducing or eliminating manual and repetitive work done by lawyers, through the use of artificial intelligence that answers specific questions or creates legal documents for the user.

    • Simplification of compliance processes, focusing on the things that matter and improving the user experience while providing immediate results.

    • Data and information 24/7 available and secured, access information beyond non-office/working hours and encrypted for a secure environment.

    • Improved cost and productivity through tech adoption.

  • It goes beyond LegalTech, as it is disruptive and reaches consumers directly.

  • LawTech is the term used to describe disruptive technologies that pursue the objective of supporting, complementing, replacing, or improving traditional methods of providing legal services, LawTech aims to bring law services, solutions, and protection to businesses and people directly by enabling them to self-serve.


    It is time to overcome the barriers of the traditional way of offering legal services and generate value for users.



Traditionally referred to the application of technology and software to help individual lawyers, law firms, medium and large scale businesses to disrupt the practice of law by giving people access to online software that reduces or in some cases eliminates human performance.


Used to enhance regulatory processes,  transparency as well as consistency and to standardize compliance processes. Deliver interpretations of ambiguous regulations to provide higher levels of quality services at a lower cost and in some cases eliminating human performance.


Use of disruptive technology such as Machine learning (ML) and Deep learning (DL): Artificial Intelligence (AI) to support supervision, reducing or in some cases eliminating human performance.

  • What is LawTech?
    LawTech: Term describing blue ocean technologies that aim to support, supplement or replace traditional methods for delivering legal services, that includes, Software as a Service (SaaS) functionality, such as accessible, faster and easier disruptive execution and also avoiding direct lawyer's involvement as a self-service. LawTech is the creation of disruptive legal solutions that help individuals, companies, organizations and governments in their day to day operations. LawTech is the term used to describe disruptive technologies that pursue the objective of supporting, complementing, replacing, or improving traditional methods of providing legal services, LawTech aims to bring law services, solutions, and protection to businesses and people directly by enabling them to self-serve. It is time to overcome the barriers of the traditional way in offering legal services and generate value for users. It goes beyond LegalTech, as it is disruptive and reaches consumers directly. Automation and self-service, reducing or eliminating manual and repetitive work done by lawyers, through the use of artificial intelligence that answers specific questions or creates legal documents for the user. Simplification of compliance processes, focusing on the things that matter, improving the user experience, while providing immediate results. Data and information 24/7 available and secured, access information beyond non-office/working hours and encrypted for a secure environment. Improved cost and productivity through tech adoption.
  • What makes us different as a LawTech Fund?
    We specialized in investment opportunities around law service, our fund dedicates its resources to make a change on the low touch economy by placing strategic investments in technological legal platforms and apps that promote the democratization of legal services so that not only a few could get the best services and legal support.
  • What are investments in technology?
    Investment plays a central role in poverty reduction, by increasing the productive capacity of the economy and generating increased employment. A good investment provides incentives, create jobs, expand and introduce new technologies that can serve to increase the productivity and sustainability of other factors of production. Today we are living in a completely digital world, technology has become a great factor and important resource for companies to improve, grow and obtain great results. That is why it is vital that we understand the degree of importance it has, as well as the correct way to invest in it. But like any step or decision we make in our professional life, when the time comes to invest in technology, doubts arise as to whether we are doing the right thing. It must be made clear that, if you want to have a technology implementation, this is not for a luxury or investment, at present, in the market this is already a fundamental need that allows large and small companies to evolve and each time they can better satisfy the demand of their consumers.
  • Who can use the BETER platforms?
    Everyone can access our platforms. BETER APP / CORPORATE ACRI / Beyond Life / TMKonnect / CITIZEN ACRI /
  • What is a technology investment fund?
    Investment funds that allocate resources or capital in technology are those in which most of their portfolio is made up of technology companies, associated with innovation and change. These types of funds are a good opportunity to take advantage of technological disruption, which is in full swing and is increasingly present in all sectors of society. Software, hardware, semiconductor companies, and, above all, all those related to the internet of things, the chain of blocks (blockchain), metaverse, artificial intelligence, NFTs, or cloud services are the biggest references in the technology sector.
  • What is LegalTech?
    The meaning of legal-tech can be summarized in two words: “legal technology”, and consists of the implementation of technology in the legal world to support, simplify and optimize the work of lawyers and other players in the sector (legal managers, judges, notaries, etc.). In this sense, legal-tech consists of the application of tools that serve to automate and streamline processes, data, questions and judicial matters; the latter, by establishing an immediate and direct connection of the client with the possible solution to their legal concerns. Thus, legal-tech software for lawyers can be used to automate basic and repetitive processes, thus streamlining the tasks of the lawyer, or to carry out more complex procedures, such as forecasting the results of litigation through intelligent predictive analysis. In this way, greater efficiency and speed is generated when dealing with legal activities, while improving the customer experience.
  • What are the Benefits of LawTech?
    It goes beyond LegalTech, as it is disruptive and reach consumers directly. Automation and self-service, reducing or eliminating manual and repetitive work done by lawyers, through the use of artificial intelligence that answers specific questions for the user or creates legal documents. Simplification of the compliance process review, focusing on the things that matter, improving the user experience, while providing immediate results. Data and information 24/7 available and secured, access information beyond non-office/working hours and encrypted for a secure environment. Improved cost and productivity through tech adoption.
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